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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Children Literature and Brainstorming


I choose this topic because is important for students to improve their speaking skills specially when they are learning English, also because with this way they have the obligation to think in the rigth way in English, they have to check all of the aspect of this new language aspects such as grammar, pronunciation, coherence etc. We can enjoy dialogues performing different people in a role play for example and also our student enjoy it.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Drama is an interesting way to teach, students enjoy this kind of activities, they can learn about grammar, improve vocabulary, pronunciation and they show the interest for to be in the english class. Also with this way we can teach many topics for example social events, many cultures, ancient civilizations and more.

Friday, November 2, 2012

What Fairy Tale Character Are You?

Once open a time there was a princess that lived in a beautiful cabin in a known kingdom called Mevland.

The name of the princess was Eloise. She lived with her nannny a very kind and sweet woman Eloise didn´t know that she was a princess because his father had disappeared when she was a child , her mother had died when she was born and the only company was her nanny, but the nanny didn´t say nothing about her past. Actually the nanny was a servant of the Queen mother; one day the nanny should to go to the town to buy some food, in that moment came a old woman, that woman was very ugly, she had gray hair, and her eyes shown the evil.
That old woman talked with Eloise and said: OH!! my dear you´re a special girl you have the power of a kingdom but if you want, you can share all your power with me I can help you to share and to increase your cities and also your treasure. 

But the richness not only was the porpuse of that woman she also wanted the beauty of Eloise and become the Queen of Mevland and obtain all the money of the kingdom to buy dresses, jewels shoes and also the recipe to be beauty. The old woman. Eloise was sorprised because she didn´t the true of her life - How can be? said Eloise. Am I a pirncess? Wow! I can help poor people, to my nanny, to protect animals wow!!!. The witch didn´t think the same.She only had bad thought.

So the old woman decided to kill Eloise like Eloise´s father, yes she also killed the King!!! so she took an apple pie form her bag  and gave her a slide of pie, Eloise can´t reject the piece of pie, it looked delicious so she ate the apple pie, immediately she fell and the witch was happy and left the cabin.In that moment appeared the best friend of Eloise he was also member of the royal court but anybody knowing this, he took a magic possion and gave her, he had been in love with Eloise sine long time ago when she woke up he kissed her and she was happy to. Both decided to found that bad woman, they can put in the jail the witch, Eloise was crowned as the queen of Mevland and Jim was the perfect husband.

They lived happy forever .... The End.

What Fairy Tale Character Are You? - Test results

Certificate: Test results
What Fairy Tale Character Are You?

1001For 30 % you are: You are:


Congrats! You're Rapunzel! You have no freedom and you are often lonely, but don't worry. Your beautiful long hair shall dazzle everyone in your path!
11.2383 % of 15634 Quiz participants had this profile!

You could also get this result:
For 30 % you are: You are:


Congrats! You're Snow White! You're very kind and in tune with nature but unfortunately have a relative you don't get on too well with. Don't worry, you're kindness will get you many friends!

Or even this one:
For 20 % you are: You are:


Congrats! You're Little Red Riding Hood! You like long treks to your relatives home but are often stopped by the local wildlife. You will achieve much and hopefully be known by your name and not an item of clothing!

Or even this one:
For 10 % you are: You are:


Congrats! You're Jack! Your goal in life is to become rich and you will go to any lengths to do so. However, you are quite trusting and known to make rash decisions without thinking them through!

Or even this one:
For 10 % you are: You are:


Congrats! You're Cinderella! You're very pretty, but don't have the best of luck. Don't worry, prince charming will soon come and sweep you off your feet!
Take this quiz: What Fairy Tale Character Are You?

Friday, October 5, 2012


Children’s Literature Response Worksheet

1. Please write a brief summary of the literature book that you read in your group.

Snow white lived with her father and mother the King and the Queen but the Queen was died, so the King fall in love with other woman she was beatiful too, but actually she´s a witch, so the new Queen wants all of the kingdom and be more beautiful than Snow White.

Then the Queen said and paid to the huntsman to kill Snow White but he didn´t do this he saved  her.
The Queen knew that Snow white is alive through her mirror. 

At the forest seven dwarf take care Snow white at their home, but one day the witch came to the dwarf´s house dress up like a old woman 

and she gave her an apple this apple contain a posion. But she fell in a deep sleep, 

the Prince kissed Snow White and she wakes up and she was the only girl with a wonder beauty.

2. Name some of the hardships that the characters in your story faced.
Snow white worked a lot even though she was a princess.
The Prince lost his love for a time.
The Bad Queen noticed that she isn´t the only woman with a great beauty and lost her magic powers.
3. Tell how the main character is both similar and different than you.
Snow white was a good example of humility and charity.
The Prince fought for his true love for his porpuse.
The seven dwarf help and take care to Snow white in the properly time as a good friend. 

You can watch the video here:

Friday, September 21, 2012


"The nightingale and the rose"

 A student is inlove of a princess and she is going to bring a dance, she is going to choose a boy who gives her a red rose. The nightingale listen this and decided to help him. But is winter and there aren´t any red roses. The only way is make a sacrifice with his own blood. The nightingale made the sacrifice and the student has the red rose. The princess didn´t choose the red rose she prefired to take jewels from other boy.
The nightingale died, the student was very sad and the princess choose other boy.
The boy, the Nightingale, the yellow rose tree, the white rose tree, red rose tree and the princess.
This story took place in the student´s garden most of the time, is in winter and is so cold, also a little part of the story is in the princess' house.
The story teach us that we can´t spend time in all of our whim and is better see all the beuty and blessings that we have than things without value.
The student dreams with the love of the princess.
The nightingale flying looking for a red rose.
The solution to obtain a red rose was his own death.

Finally princess didn´t accept the red rose, she was interested in jewels.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The importance of teaching literature to students

  How to teach vocabulary &

 grammar.Literature encourages


To teach english and specially vocabulary and grammar of this lengauge sometimes is difficult because people don´t like to learn and see structures of sentences is bored for them you must use your creativity.
In case of vocabulary people like to enjoy more to learn new words than to learn grammar cause you can take different way for teaching such as imagen, flash cards hangman etc. You can see in your students more cooperation for learning and they can able to maintain a conversation about the topic or in this case about tales or readings.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

critical thinking

Be open minded: to accept other opinions about my job and be able to change some aspect of this job. Open minded is also respect the observations that others can give me because this observations can help me to improve my activity.

Search for reasons: Always we have to keep in mind the reasons of my job that is don´t forget the objetives or goals that I want to obtain from this work for this reason I need to do search about all of the aspect than can help me.

Use credible sources: Our job needs be credible, for this reason we need to look for authors, books, recognized magazines, statistic, etc. People can take my job  seriously.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

fairy tales and folk tales

The Ugly Duckling
There was  a duck that was born different of the others ducks, he was very very ugly and for that reason his brothers made fun of him. 
He felt so bad about that and he was very sad. But the time passed and he became a beautiful white swan. The world could see all his beauty.

 I choose this tale because sometime we don´t see our own abilities and we pay attention to others opinions; is more important to believe in ourself, our skills for to obtain goals and also don´t see only the appearances but the value as a person.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Riddles and Multiculturalism

I am round like an apple
Flat as a chip
I have eyes
But I can’t see one bit

Look at my face and you see somebody
Look at my back and you see nobody.

You hear my sound, you feel me when I move,
But see me you never will.

I follow you all day long, but when the night or rain comes,
I am all gone.


I always run, but never walk. I have a bed, but I don´t sleep.
 I have a mouth, but I don´t eat.

Multiculturalism is a system of beliefs and behaviors that recognizes and respects
the presence of all diverse groups in an organization or society, acknowledges and values
their socio-cultural differences, and encourages and enables their continued contribution
within an inclusive cultural context which empowers all within the organization or